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Instructions & Disclaimer

  1. This spreadsheet is published "as is", until the release of our more robust IFM java based tools.  The spreadsheet contains many embedded macros, and can 'break' relatively easily.  We are releasing the spreadsheet due to numerous requests. 
  2. The tool that is currently under development is more robust and will provide many additional features including graphs etc.
  3. IF you cut and paste data into the MMF table you will lose the underlying macros that make this spreadsheet work.  We therefore highly recommend that you enter data manually.
  4. There are five visible tables in this spreadsheet representing constants, MMFs, precursors, WSANPV values, and IFM Result.
  5. First, enter constants, MMFs, and precursors.
  6. Second, view the SANPV, WSANPV, and IFM results.  (IF you change anything on these three pages, then the spreadsheet may lose its automation).

    We will shortly post a tutorial that explains the use of this spreadsheet in greater detail.